Tuesday, 6 October 2015

User Setting not initialised in SharePoint Site

Error : Every time when user logged in SP site, users get redirected to usersettingerror.aspx page.

Cause : When user setting defined by administrators were got changed by someone. And user regional settings were not in sync with Site collection settings then user face this issue.

 1 Browsed the central admin
 2 Click on Application Management >> Manage service on server
 3 Click on user profile service
 4 Click on manage user profile
 5 Enter the username (who facing this issue) and search. Edit the user profile
 6 Scroll down to change user setting option and choose "Always use my personal setting" option
 7 Checked the check box "Use language and regional setting" option
 8 save the user profile now.
 9 user account looks sync now and then revert the both the changes which i done in user profile
 10 Please ask the user to try now to access the site

If you have any queries, please write on Arpit_Mohan@outlook.com.

Monday, 21 September 2015

Call to GetCustomUI() for RibbonID "Microsoft.Excel.Workbook"

This error invokes when your installed visual studio Tools of Office try to load Design-Time Adaptor for Excel on runtime.

Its is an known bug in Microsoft office with visual studio tools.

Workaround :

Open developers tab in Microsoft excel

Click on COM -Add-Ins

Uncheck the all "Visual Studio Tools of Office Design-Time Adaptor for Excel" option:

Click OK and Save.

Now close the excel sheet and open again. You will not get error this time.

If it still persists, them please share your issue details on "Arpit_Mohan@outlook.com"