Monday, 30 December 2013

Find Dot Net Framework Versions and Bit Size?

Two ways for finding this:
First Way::
Goto this address C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\
Then you get two folders Framework and Framework64
  • Framework folder having all version of Dot Net framework for 32-bit machine: version of dot net framework.
  1. V1.0*
  2. V1.1*
  3. V2.0*
  4. V3.0*
  5. V3.5*
  6. V4.0*
  • Framework64 folder having all version of Dot Net framework for 64-bit machine: version of dot net framework
  1. V2.0*
  2. V3.0*
  3. V3.5*
  4. V4.0*
Second Way::
Press window + r , then type regedit.exe
Goto this address HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/Net Framework Setup/
Now check all version and their installation Path.

Monday, 16 December 2013

VPN - Virtual private network

Virtual private network is used to extend the private network over the public network.
for example : I have one intranet portal by name and I want to use this portal in USA , UK and any where in the public network that is Internet , then I need VPN to communicate securely and safely.

VPN system is protocol which is used to tunneling the traffic.

Virtual point-to-point communication among system of different network via connection based, authentication based or both.

VPN is also used for connecting two similar network over dissimilar middle network. For example,

Principle of VPN is to client-server interaction.

Detailed flowchart for your understanding and reference.

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

IIS installation and uninstallation in windows

Step 1 : Goto control panel click on Programs

Step 2 : Click on Turn on or off window feature
Step 3 : Choose selected feature after expanding Internet Information Services

Step 4:Ckick OK and Process Indicator appear
Step 5: Now IIS is installed in windows vista or windows 7. To confirm that is installed , you can open browser and type in address bar http://localhost/ 
Step 6: How to open IIS management console. Type inetmgr in search for program and file. Click on it and then IIS management console is open.

 Step 1: Goto control panel, click on program
Step 2: Click on turn on or off windows features
Step 3: Unchecked the Inter Information Services
Step 4: Give restart to your machine for reconfiguring the existing system configuration.
Step 5 : Successfully iis is uninstalled in your machine, if you type inetmgr in search features and file, then press enter. Then pop-up generate say that inetmgr doesnot exist.
** inetmgr is shortcut of IIS Management Console

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

How to store outlook mails in your system?

Steps for creating outlook data file:

1)      In HOME tab ribbon, there is button by name “NEW ITEM” click on it.

2)      One panel will open , on that panel choose “MORE ITEMS”.

3)      One  panel will open, choose “OUTLOOK DATA FILE”.

4)      After that one system window prompt up, asking you to name your outlook data file, ”Name it”. Click ok.

5)      Now your data file is ready with that particular name.

6)      You can check that file in your outlook client in left panel.

Steps for storing mail in your outlook data file for that you need to create rule:

1)      Right click on you outlook data file. Create a folder by person name(ex: manager) whose mail you want to store in that folder automatically.

2)      Now go to inbox choose manager mail (click left click), then click on rule option in above ribbon.

3)      Click create rule, one window prompt up. Set rule, call me by that time.

4)      Now all your manager mail comes in that folder automatically , and get save your system hard-disk.

Otherwise , you can archive your mails.  

Difference between public and private IP Address?

Public IP Address : Is like office phone number, means common number for whole office. Belongs to organization. Here organization means web address of server or machine.

Private IP Address : Is like extension number of office number. Belongs to individual person. Here individual person means web address of particular machine within the main server or machine.

Formatting Full Windows 7

Step 1 : Insert a CD/DVD of operating system.
Step 2 : Give restart to machine
Step 3 : Its will ask you to "Press any key to boot from CD/DVD"
Step 4 : Now window will prompt up, it will give two options
             First; Upgrade(use existing os file and add missing files to it)
             Second; Custom New Copy(make new copy of os)
Step 5: Choose Custom copy
Step 6 : Now click on advance option (click on format button after selecting drive)
Step 7 : Click ok, format the drive completely and start install new copy of Windows 7 in selected drive.
Step 8 : wait for about half and hour.
Step 9 : Give computer new name and credentials if want . Now you new computer is ready to work.